Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I have so much to do..

And I haven't even made any lists yet. I suppose that will be my main goal for tonight or tomorrow.. or whenever I get around to it. I have pretty much all the technical stuff done.. I just need to get the other stuff, like shampoo and what not. Lately when people would ask me if I had everything I need I would say that I needed rain boots (apparently it rains a lot in Ireland..), now when they ask I tell them that I have rain boots. I don't suppose that I can go with just rain boots though.

I'm still trying to figure out the Sophia issue. My options right now are..
1. Leave her in Gettysburg will Matt.
2. Have my mom mail her to me.
3. Stuff her in a pillowcase and take her on the plane with me.

3 seems like a good option but I'm thinking I'll have a lot of shit to carry when I get off the plane.. I don't know. I have time to think about it. But I really, really don't want to go to Ireland for 5 months without her..

Anyways I am beyond excited to go Gettysburg this weekend!! It'll be really good to see everyone one last time before I leave. Not to mention I get to see Matt for the last time and we're going to celebrate our 2 year anniversary a week early because I'll be in Ireland for the actual day. (Hopefully it will be better than our one year.)

Ugh.. more cleaning to get to. I don't think I'll accomplish my goal of re-reading all the Harry Potter books before I leave, but I will finish all my Nancy Drew games!! Woot!!

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